Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Vice President of the Gambella National and Regional State

The People of Gambella joined with the rest of Ethiopians celbrating the 128th anniversary of the victory of Adwa in Gambella. Many officials including the vice President were at the event celebrating the special day that makes not only Ethiopians Proud but the black population of the African continent.

On March 2, 1896, Ethiopians united behind their emperor, Atse Menilik II, and said no to the European collonialism. The Italian Army, though it had modern weapons at the time, was defeated by an army with just spears and light guns. That was the story that made Africans proud . The people of Gambella matched in Gambella Square to celebrate what their great grand grand fathers did in opposing European colonialism.

Gambella, although small in size as far as the population is concerned, has always played significant role in Ethiopian miilitary. Chuol Jock Wie and many other Gambellians in the Ethiopian military participated in the war in defense of Ethiopia.  There were few Gambella people in the Ethiopian Army at the time. However, 4 decades later in 1935, many Gambelians were in the Ethiopian Army notably Babuoth Kai and Basha Balahu. Under the reign of Mussolini, the Italians came back in 1935 to revenge the humiliating defeat their army went through almost 40 years aftyer the victory of Adwa.

Gambella Oficials in the 128th Celebration of the Victory of Adwa

Mussolini came back and attacked Ethiopia in vegeance and as emperor Haile Selassie aaligned his policies with the British, that marked the beginning of the end of Italian rule in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Gambella contributed a lot and alsway ;oyal to the leadership in Addis Ababa.  Gambella had remarkable stories in the Ethiopian Army. Basha Balahu was seen by Haile Selassie in Addis Ababa for different reseasons and later became known in the military for good work and height as he was the tallest Ethiopian Soldier ever recorded.

Many books and records indicate that, Basha Balahu, the only tallest Ethiopian Soldier ever recorded was captured and executed by the Italian Army during the brief Italian occupation. Underthe Derg regime, so many Gambellians were in the Ethiopian Army fighting against what was then called Shabia and Woyane. Gambella loyalty in the Ethiopian Army did not stop there. Unser, EPDRF, led by the late Prime Minister, Meles, Zenawi, so many sons and daughters of Gambella joined the army when Ethiopia came under attack from Shabia.

Gambella made huge sacrifices as those that joined the army have suffered so much in defsense of the mother land Ethiopia. Less than ten percent have returned home safely after the war. The majority of them were killed in action. Among those who returned were famous Ethiopian Soldier Bil Puk from Makuey Woreda in Nuer Zone.

Bil statue is every in Tigray and is served as billboard in the outskirts of Mekele. This happened after he led te Ethjiopian troops crawl into Eritrean trenches and dislodge enemy soldiers from their trenches. This remarkable bravery is exhibited by every Gambellian in the Ethiopian Military.

Under the Prime Minister Abiy and his predecessor, Haile Mariam Deslegn, Gambellians are still found in abundance in the Ethiopian ARMY. At this moment, they serve not only as foot soldiers, but in most fields. You now get Gambellians as generals, such as Thanyal Reat, you get them as fighter pilots and in mechanised divisions.

Gambella man from Nuer Zone in Ethiopian Military

So many Gambellians are found in peace keeping operations representing Ethiopia in maintaining peace in the region and beyond. Thanks to the social media where everything reach other area of the country like the blink of an eye. Now Gambellians are known in Ethiopia not only in the military but also in footbal.

The Adwa victory celebration will help resolve differences at home and unite the people of Gambella as their sons and daughters unite in the military helping each other out more than a blood brother.


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