Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Seven Police Officers are in jail in Itang Special woreda. The reason for their incarceration was a part of interrogation regarding the shooting death of a fellow officer from Nuer ethnic group who was killed by his work colleague from the Anyuak tribe.

After the sound of the gun fire was heard, police officers from the main station responded and met with the officer  who was on the run and asked him to stop pending further investigation.

While the officers went to check the welfare of others at the police station, they noticed what he has done. They found a man down and the information was that he was just killed by the officer they just arrested. A sound minded detective would have narrowed the investigation to the murderer only.

But it did not end there. Among all the seven Police Officers arrested, the person that deserve to be in jail is the murderer only. But the Anyuak incharge in Itang are trying to manufacture a history that Nuer kills each other.

That was said to be the reason they keep the family members and friends of the dead in jail who could be out mourning the death of their loved one. This is a toxic situation because the Anyuaks are playing with the minds of so many innocent people. They are doing this to prevent the family members to fight for justice of their loved one. They are treating the death as secondary or a bargaining tool so that the family will be fighting for the release of the arrested officers than to seek a punishment of the the murderer.

This was not the first time the Anyuak did arbitary arrests. Five (5 ) months ago, an Anyuak was shot near Adebabay in Gambella possibly by their own Anyuak mistaken him for a Nuer. The incident happened in a busy street. The shooter was on a bajaj and crossed the bridge heading to the Anyuak neighbourhood.

Omot ordered the arrest of all traffic police officers in the area for not apprehding the shooter even when he got a gun while the traffic police officers were not armed. The arrested officers were 6 Nuer, 2 Anyuak and two highlanders. How would that make sense? Only Anyuak and Omot can tell the reason.


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