Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Education is a positive investment for any decent nation because it does not only allow people to make ends meet but it also fosters positive relation among neighbours themselves. Gambella has had the opportunity to educate its local population. In the past few years, the local population have had the opportunity to access education throughout Gambella. As of 2006 E.C, there are 288 schools in Gambella as a whole. These schools include Primary, elementary and preparatory classes.

There are also two colleges and one university in the region. The Gambella Agricultural University in Agarfa campus is known for its quality teaching method for students to acquire knowledge and help their population once they complete their courses. The college enrols students from across Ethiopia which brings positive economic development for the region.

It was not long ago when many people in Gambella had no access to education and more specifically higher education which in fact was unattainable dream by many. However, things have become much better in recent years with opening of many elementary, junior and senior secondary schools throughout Gambella as it could be seen in the figure. The Gambella Teacher’s Education and Health Science College graduates many students with diplomas every year in the region.

Once students get their diplomas, they get employ in their respective fields and after few years of service, they are being given a chance to extend their studies so as to obtain further knowledge to effectively help their people. Others who chose to further their studies at other institutions get exams from Ethiopian Service College (ESC) The he Ethiopian Civil Service College in Addis Ababa plays significant role in graduating many students from Gambella with Bachelor and Mater Degrees in many fields such as law, economic and management to say the least.

Although the rapid progression of education in Gambella could be noticed, there is still a long way to go particularly maintaining enrolled students at weredas levels until a certain stage. This view is raised after observing that many students dropouts before they complete elementary and junior schools.

Another aspect where Gambella vision would like to see improve is female education. The old traditional belief of keeping young girls away from school or the early marriage on young girls is still an impediment to a successful education by many girls in Gambella. As a result, the indigenous female employee are significantly underrepresented both in senior and ordinary positions in the Gambella workforce. The Gambella vision would like to see improvement in female education as well as school children who find it hard to hang on classes due to lack of emotional and material support.