The Elder of Anyuak Community in Jew Refugee camp met with the refugee last night and said the protection of the refugees must not be on his shoulder. According to his words, his community has been urging him to attack Nuer Refugees of South Sudanese in the camp because of the issue the Ethiopian Nuer had with the extremist.
The extremist have been wanting to kill the refugees in the camp but he has been resisting it. Now it comes to the point where his life is under enormous threat because of his desire to protect the refugees who had no part with the issue Anyuak and Nuer Ethiopians have. Now that he wants to protect his life and continue to live, he told the refugee to blame themselves should someone try to kill them which he believe will happen anytime.
Reports in the region indicate that the Anyuak militia and extremist who oppose Abiy goverment have left all Anyuak woredas and are now accumulating in Gambella town to attack Bere Seb and New land. Because the defence is deployed in the area to keep peace, this group has now shifted strategy to attack the defenseless refugees who are in the area under the protection of the govement of Ethiopia.
‘This message was communicated to some members of the Gambella National and Regional State by Gambella Visipon to provide protection of the refugees and to stop the Genocide.
The office of the Prime Minister through their Facebook Page and Email was also informed about this enourmous threat that will threaten the lives of the refugees.
If the worst thing continue, President Omot will be held responsible for ignoring the information and not deploying the defence force in the area. The Prime Minister and his Office will also have some case to answer should they not act uponΒ this threat because they were informed in advance. Refugees Needs Protection. It is the duety of the state and federal goverment to protect them but they now seemed to abondon them.
The Anyuak are not shy on this. They killed a bus full of the refugees in 2002 and now it seems that the trend is continuing. It is important that action is taken as soon as possible.