Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Gambella has lost a fine man, former deputy comamander of the anti terrororist strike brigade Gatluak Witch,

Gatluak served his state and country with warm and kind heart working in various positions since he joined the force in 2000 E.C. In 2009 to 2013 E.C, he served as deputy commander of the special force (Liyu Haile) a postion he held for 5 years. Gatluak in his role in the special force made a lot of friends beyond his Nuer ethnic group working along side men and women in uniform ensuring that Gambella is safe from terrorist elements which hinder the developement and growth the region so badly needs.

Born in Rot L0ony Kebele in Wanthoa Woerda  in 1979 E.C to his father Witchbook and his mother Mrs. Nyabuok Chatim, Gatluak straterd his elementary school and Junior Secondary School in Wanthoa until 10th grade. .

After finishing year tenth education, Gatluak joined the military to serve his country. He enrolled in Birsheleko military training in Amhara region in 2000 E.C. .After finishing his training, Gatluak was assigned in various positions and responsibilities to serve his country with professional acquaired at the military traning.

His role was specifically based on dealing with threats that challenge peace and security of the region. Gatluak was a much loved son and that was exemplfied by so many people mosyly his collegue he worked with who came to his funeral. High ranking officals from Anyuak ethnic group who worked along side Gatluak also came as well and paid their respect. Gatluak was a man who loved all people as onc body.

Gatluak was led to Rest in Gambella town. He was survived by three daughters and three sons.


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