Friday, February 14, 2025

It will make sense to kill if you want your prey for food. But Nuer are not Anyuak’s Prey like cats and rats which they use for food everywhere in Anyuak land.

For far too long, Anyuak have been killing Nuer and as recent as yesterday, two refugees were killed in Jewi Refugee camp while working on a farm close to the camp. This comes a day after the Kebele elder from Anyuak ethnic group informed refugees of the fateful ordeal of their lives that their security will not longer be on his care. He fears for his life for resisting his people who want to murder refugees.

On the day refugees were executed, another Nuer was killed in Itang when Anyuak came to his house hunting for the Nuer in the area.

Anyuak need to stop doing this because God allows you to kill only what you eat. Nuer are not Anyuak’s prey since nobody ever seen an Anyuak eating Nuer. Their preys, the rates and cats are of much abundance which the Nuer do not have any sympathy for. Not sure if God would have sympathy for them either.

As long as they could eat them, they could kill as many as they need. Dry season is just not too far away where wild rats and river lizards would roam Anyuak farmland and that would be a turkey for them. Hence, they need to preserve this energy they got for something God won’t punish them for killing.

If the Anyuak continue with this killing spree of Nuer, they will get big punishment from God like they never seen in their lifetime. Anyuak are trying hard to commiit genocide on the Nuer wherever they found them in the Refugee camp, between the roads of Nuer weredas and Gambella town and in Bere Seb.

Their community abroad and rogue elements in Gambella National and Regional State Administration are pouring much money to these thugs to carry out acts of violence on Nuer. Bere Seb had come under Anyuak attack numerous times to expel Nuer from the area. Anyuak woul;d need to undertstand that Nuer need peace and the Nuer beg them for that. That is quite simple.

The Anyuak leadership must consult those who implement these vicious attacks everywhwre in Gambella on Nuer. It must stop now where there is a window, room and opportunity for peace among many Nuer. The unnecessary killings of the Nuer must stop.  if they continue killing Nuer like the current trend for pleasure, hate or terrorism which in fact is a terrorist act, God will punish them to the point where they will lose everything.

These extremist are confident that they will expell Nuer in Gambella National and Regional State or turn the region into Libya. Please see the comment on the left for verification. In fact, there will be loss of lives and pain among many families if these extremist don’t stop but the Nuer have one word for you. Nuer are going nowhere. Instead of turning the region into Libya which your bloggers saud,  you will turn yourself into Libya and you would be on the run to a territory you never been. Not the peace loving people of Gambella including some Anyuak.


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