Friday, February 14, 2025

From May Last year, there has never been any month passed without Nuer being killed by Anyuak.  The killing spree on Nuer has been exacrbated by the level og lawlessness in the region. The Anyuaks under the protection of President kills the Oromos, the Amharas, Tigres or the Nuer in the region with full impunity. ON 31.01.2024 an ambulance that came from Lare Woreda transporting a patient in a critical condition was sprayed with bullets in Abol, a notorious town where so many Nuer were killed or wounded.

On the attack, a serving member of the Gambella Police Force who was escouting the paient was shot anmd killed instantly. The patient’s brother and the Nurse were seroiusly wounded, They are now fighting for their lives in Gambella Hospital. The slain police officer served in Gambella Police for ten years.

There was no symphathy from President whatesoever regarding the death of the fallen sergeant, Omot instead called the meeting on his cabinet for evaluation on the regional finance.

This is not the first time Omot shown disrespect to the Nuer killed by Anyuak. In June last year, a passenger bus was coming from Lare Woreda and in the same area of Abol, the Anyuaks sprayed the bus with bullts. About six Nuer lost their lives and 20 others were wounded seriously,

Instead of releasing any statement to victim families, President Omot and his vice President, Thankuey went to  plantation of crops in Wathoa Woreda. A month before this bus killing, 13 Nuer all of which were women and children were killed in Wanthoa by Anyuaks. Again, there were no condolence mesage what soever from President regarding, But when it comes to the Anuyuak deaths in the hands of Nuer, President not only meets with victims families but he also gives them money.

Two weeks ago, an Anyuak was killed in a  tit for tat by the Nuer whose relative was killed but Omot refused to apprehend the criminals. Omot drove to the victms families in Abobo and not only gave them some money biut emotionally comforted them. The Nuer never get such kind of treatment. Omot in turns comes and arrest family of the victims torturing them to tell who might have done the revenge attack even when he deeply involved tobjecting the apprehension of violence criminals.

This is what the Nuer are going through. Their death is nothing and is as easier as slaughtering a chicken. That is why so many Anyuaks are openly talking about eradicating Nuer from Gambella.


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